Guidance through uncharted territory



Searching for the right job or pastoral call?

Not sure what to do next? Feeling stuck?

Whether you are looking for your first position, seeking a new position in your field, or looking to try something completely different, we can help with:

  • Understanding and valuing your gifts and growing edges

  • Exploring best-fit opportunities

  • Résumé and Cover Letter coaching and editing

  • Job Posting interpretation and coaching

  • Salary and compensation negotiation


Schedule Appointment

Schedule an appointment, and see how Jon Watt can assist you, helping to bring new direction, energy, and joy to your work.


Tools Overview


Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions form the core of the coaching experience and range from 15 minutes to one hour. Whether offered in-person, on the phone, or via Zoom, these sessions are designed to help you thrive through your transition.

The WorkPlace Big Five Profile

The WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ helps individuals to understand the combination of genetics, experiences, and personal preferences which make up their unique personality. This psychometrically-robust tool goes far beyond others, such as the Clifton Strengths or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, allowing users to see and understand their unique combination of 5 Supertraits, 23 Subtraits, and the ways in which their personality affects their personal and professional life.

VALUES Identifiers

We are driven by both our innate strengths and by that which is most important to us. Identifying and understanding your core values will help you to live more authentically, understand silent stressors, and position yourself, professionally, to honor those values.
