professional. personal.

Student Coaching

I wish I’d known then what I know now. This has not only made studying easier, I have a clearer idea of where I’m going.
— Chase

Find best-fit study habits
and career-selection Guidance

Students who know their learning style are able to maximize their study time while also making learning more fun. Do you need a quiet place to study? Are you able to focus longer if you have noise or music in the background? How long can you effectively focus?

When paired with personal coaching, the School Place Big 5 assessment answers these questions and more, helping students to understand their natural gifts and tendencies, and to then apply them to their school work.

This assessment also provides wonderful career and college-major guidance, matching your innate gifts with your passions to help find opportunities that will be just-right for you. Having a clear sense of direction provides motivation and encouragement, which helps students better achieve their goals.


Schedule Appointment

Schedule an appointment, and see how Jon Watt can assist you or your student.


Tools Overview


Big 5 Personality Assessment

Easily completed in 15 minutes or less, the WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ reveals an individual’s five personality supertraits and 23 subtraits that simply and clearly explain work-related behaviors found in day-to-day encounters with coworkers, employees, managers and colleagues. Using straightforward, digestible graphs and neutral, work-centric language, the WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ provides the highest level of insight to participants and organizations.

The SCHOOLPlace Big Five Profile

The School Place Big Five Profile™ helps students to understand the combination of genetics, experiences, and personal preferences which make up their unique personality. This psychometrically-robust tool goes far beyond others, such as the Clifton Strengths or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, allowing users to see and understand their unique combination of 5 Supertraits, 23 Subtraits, and the ways in which their personality affects their studies and future professional life.
